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Exclusively Breastfeeding and Missing a Session

Updated: Nov 13, 2021


I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding/pumping Milk for Top to drink ever since he was born and I’ve been planning to do this for the next 24 months. So today I panicked because I overslept and missed 2 sessions (2 am and 4am). I became really anxious and panicked and read online. Fortunately, there are mothers online who shared their experiences and said not to panic because you have to listen to your body and rest too at times. I haven’t slept straight ever - except for today since I pump/feed every 2 hours. To rectify the situation, just power pump they said.

Power pump is equivalent to 3 sessions, I do this at least once every other day too.

It’s a 70 minute session (20 minutes of pumping + 10 minutes rest + 10 minutes pump + 10 minutes rest + 10 minutes pump)

Your body will think that your baby is cluster feeding so it shouldn’t affect milk production since it still thinking your body needs a lot of milk for your baby.

after the first pump I produced 300ML (around 10oz) + 60 ml + counting (since I’m still pumping A of the moment for the last power pump session for this hour)

Tips I follow

  1. Pump every 2 hours - set an alarm

  2. If you miss a session, insert the missed session within the day

  3. Drink a lot of water, HYDRATE!

  4. Take supplements. I take the following

Praying still to continuously get a lot of milk daily for Top and taking so much supplements and taking 2 gallons of water daily. Hoping to build a stash too so I can help those in need one day.

St Jude, Sta Rita, St Gerard, Padre Pio, Mama Mary, Sto Niño - please pray for us that I’ll be able to continuously do this. 🙏🏻

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